– Support The Farm Next Door –

The term “CSA” stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and we’d like to introduce you to Fable, a farm with organic roots. Founded in 2015 by Tom and Kristin Deacon, they wanted healthy, nutrient rich, delicious tasting food for themselves and their new family.

A CSA provides farmers like us with a crucial infusion of cash used to prepare for the next season. It allows us to buy seeds, plant cover crops, repair equipment, and more. It provides the CSA member with delicious, fresh, and nutritious produce. We’ve created an innovative “Farm Card” to provide our members with flexibility and choice. Members can select what they want, when they want, and your balance stays loaded on your Farm Card. Members can select from any of the produce in our market.

As our farm enters its ninth year we are in the process of relocating and expanding and we need your help.

This is where you come in.

By supporting our farm and purchasing a share of the bounty, you can help us not just survive but thrive to an abundant harvest next growing season.

Please consider purchasing a share for yourself or a local food pantry and help us make this dream a reality. Not only will you be supporting our farm, but you will be supporting our local community, the family businesses who sell their artisanal products in our barn’s Market, and in healthy and delicious ingredients for you and your family to use at the dinner table.
